For just £1 per week you will be allocated a six digit Unity Lottery number, which will remain yours for as long as you wish to
keep playing.
You can purchase more than one entry if you wish. Every Saturday, the lucky winners are selected at random and the prize cheques are issued and posted directly to you, so there is no need to claim.
You must be 16 or over to enter. Winners have to match 3, 4 5 or all 6 digit of the winning number in the correct place in the sequence. A full set of rules are available at By Clicking Here
6 digits in the correct place wins £25,000
5 digits in the correct place wins £1,000
4 digits in the correct place wins £25
3 digits in the correct place wins £5
£1 each week could help a family who are isolated attend a family group session, so their children can play in a safe environment and they can can meet other parents.
£2 per week could provide a family like Isabelle’s, with 4-6 hours of 1:1 support.

Isabella has a life limiting condition. Each week their family mentor visits for 3 hours. She helps dad with Isabelle’s care and plays with her, so he can have a break or do some of the chores. She is also there to listen and offer emotional support.