Home-Start Newsletter

Home-Start Newsletter


In 2019 we supported approximately 300 families and over 650 children!
But that is not enough, we need to do more in 2020. With your help we can make make an even bigger difference to families who are at risk of breakdown and give more children a better start in life.

25th February is Pancake day.
It’s time for the great St Albans pancake race!

Registration is open!

Each year over 30 teams from local businesses, organisations and charities enter the race to compete for the prestigious title of flipping winners.
With over 200 spectators gathering to watch the races and cheer the teams on, the atmosphere is tense and exciting.
Teams are made up of 4 members and can enter either the walking or running race.
The race takes place outside the Museum and Gallery in St Albans.
We are delighted to have SALaw  as our headline sponsors again this year.
For more info and to register  visit the website
Take a look at Last years action on our facebook page

Pancake festival sponsorship package

For just £100 we will provide a printed vinyl banner (2mx 1m), which will be placed along the barriers marking out the race. 

Attracting large crowds and good press coverage, the Pancake festival is an excellent way of promoting your company – and you get to keep the banner!

Banners purchased last year can be displayed for £50 this year! For more information contact suzy@home-startherts.org.uk
All proceeds from your sponsorship go to Home-Start Herts.

We have launched an ambassador program and are delighted to introduce our first Home-Start Herts Ambassadors, Helen and John Froggett of The Accountancy Practice.
They have already been hard at it with the production of a fabulous Christmas CD which raised £500.
Helen and John have previously been involved with Home-Start as volunteers, many years ago and after attending the Baldock Networking Group that Home-Start run, decided to make a commitment to the role. It involves working alongside us to help build networks, establish new partnerships and secure opportunities to build the profile and income generation activities of the charity.
If you want more information about the Ambassador program, please get in touch with Suzy Moody 

2020 event schedule

  • 3rd April – 5 Rings corporate  golf day
  • 6th June – Tandem skydive
  • June – Ladies lunch (date and speaker TBC)
  • July Mental health conference
  • 12th August – Meraki festival
  • 16th August – Prudential RideLondon 100
  • 6th November – THE EVENT OF THE YEAR!
  • November & December – various festive fun

For further details about the events
 visit our website

If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive our newsletter please contact admin@home-startherts.org.uk